...While I have no direct knowledge of any threat to the President, it is my view that the next sixty days are fraught with risk for our Commander in Chief. On the one hand, he has to get out in front of the public to hold the House and Senate — without him the Republican Party is just another syphilictic whore only slightly more attractive than Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton and the remarkably shallow but photogenic Elizabeth Warren aka Pocahontas. On the other hand, in combination with the defamation and gaslighting, an assassination — with the police state on full alert to contain the isolated pockets of anger from patriots — would not only energize the Democratic base, it would suck the life blood out of the carcass we call the Republican Party. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is not on the President’s side — from the Transportation Security Agency to the Federal Emergency Management Agency to the Secret Service to other elements, DHS is in my opinion the other side of the coin of treason, the original side being the US secret intelligence community (and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration where the other half of the Nazis were placed) and particularly the Continuity of Government (COG) program that may still be responsive to Dick Cheney’s direction in league with the Zionists and their sayonom — treason is non-partisan and deeply embedded.
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