
Saturday, April 20, 2019

EMP security

OPINION: Finally, at last, protection against EMP

For years now, we have been warned that rogue states - particularly North Korea - could turn our country into a living hell by exploding a nuclear bomb in the atmosphere over America. The electro-magnetic pulse (EMP) from such a blast would fry our electrical circuits and transistors and put much of our grid out of operation. A Caracas-style blackout would descend on our nation and last, potentially, for weeks or even months.
Hospitals would not be able to function. Food could not be delivered to urban areas. The water supply would be disrupted. Mass death and starvation would ensue.
Despite the scientific consensus that this catastrophe is quite possible, our government has done little to nothing to protect us. Until now. President Donald Trump has acted. Finally.
After years of pressure from Republican Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Democrats such as Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts and former Sen. Jim Webb of Virginia, Trump issued an executive order to protect us against EMP.
The order centralizes anti-EMP planning in the White House, taking it away from the departments of Energy and Homeland Security, which have underestimated the importance of anti-EMP measures.

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