
Thursday, April 11, 2019

Food security

J. C. Cole: Is a US Food Security Crisis Coming Soon? 13 Gray Swans and More….What happens if there is no food east of the Mississippi?

Most Americans are not aware that the national food grid is in this very dangerous situation. Especially vulnerable is the area between Boston to Washington, DC. Fifty percent of our food is imported into America. Of the other 50% that we produce inside the country, 80% of that is grown by large farms in the mid-west and 20% of that is grown in California. All of it is transported by a JIT delivery system. The average unit of food in America travels 1,500 miles. States east of the Mississippi River do not produce enough food to sustain their populations.
The bottom line is basically that if anything shuts down the JIT delivery system in America for more than a week, it is likely that our inner cities will start to riot and burn. This is not fear mongering, but rather “history”. If shipping is shut down for an estimated 3 weeks, then the majority of the country runs out of food, and probably a civil war would erupt. There are 320 million people with more than 320 million guns and if they have no food, that is a recipe for disaster. America’s JIT delivery system is America’s “Achilles Heel”.

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