
Wednesday, April 10, 2019


Libya Risks Being Torn to Shreds — Again — by Former CIA Asset Turned Warlord

Libya | Khalifa Haftar,
 Libyan strongman Khalifa Haftar, a 40-year veteran of Libyan politics and longtime CIA asset, on Thursday ordered his self-styled Libyan National Army (NLA) to advance on the densely populated capital, Tripoli, where the United Nations-backed government is seated.
In the aftermath of the “humanitarian intervention” led by NATO in support of jihadists seeking to oust longtime leader Muammar Gaddafi in 2011, various factions have vied for power in the war-torn nation, once the wealthiest in Africa. According to the Special Monitoring Mission to Libya, forces loyal to Haftar, a former CIA asset, now control more than 77 percent of the country.
The situation in and around Tripoli was fluid through the weekend with at least 25 killed and 80 wounded, according to the country’s health ministry. U.S. military personnel have evacuated, as have some 2,800 civilians, according to the United Nations.
Haftar had addressed his forces, ironically ordering them to advance on Tripoli in order to free it from “militias and terrorists.” He vowed not to kill foreigners or civilians, but only those who “prefer confrontation and fighting.”
“We are coming, Tripoli, we are coming,” he said.
That was shortly after his troops captured the town of Gharyan, which is just 62 miles (100km) from the capital. The following day, , AFP reported that Haftar’s troops were expelled from a “key checkpoint” just 16 miles (27km) from Tripoli. 

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