
Friday, April 12, 2019


US Marines turned a warship into an F-35 'Lightning carrier' in a test to boost US power

The amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) transits the waters of the South China Sea.
The US Navy sent the USS Wasp into the South China Sea earlier this month loaded with an unusually heavy configuration of Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II Joint Strike Fighters.
"We are seeing a fleet experiment going on right now," Jerry Hendrix, a retired Navy captain and naval-affairs expert, told Business Insider, explaining that the Navy and the Marines are experimenting with the "Lightning Carrier" concept.
Light carriers armed with these short landing and take-off F-35s could theoretically take over operations in low-end conflicts, potentially freeing up the "supercarriers" to focus on higher-end threats such as Russia and China, or significantly boost the firepower of the US Navy carrier force, experts told Business Insider.

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