
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Seismic security

Fears Yellowstone supervolcano about to blow as new hotspot the size of four football pitches uncovered

Картинки по запросу yellowstone volcanoA WORRYING new thermal danger zone has been spotted in Yellowstone National Park sparking fears the site's supervolcano could be poised to blow killing millions.
Shocking satellite images have revealed a hotspot the size of four soccer fields bubbling away beneath the surface - which is already killing trees and other vegetation.
While scientists have only now confirmed its existence, the United State Geological Survey (USGS) estimates it’s been quietly growing for around 20 years.
Seven miles beneath the ground at Yellowstone - which spreads across Wyoming and Idaho - lies a 50-mile-long chamber of molten lava dubbed a supervolcano.
It is essentially a giant, lid-topped cauldron that is so vast that it can only truly be seen from space.
The mega volcano last blew 70,000 years ago, but it would kill and estimated 100,000 people in the surrounding areas and millions more over time if it erupted today.
However, until now geologists have been quick to downplay fears about a potential major earthquake at the tourist site like the one which killed 28 people in 1959.

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