
Thursday, April 11, 2019


Russia's Hypersonic Ballistic Missile and Laser System in Final Tests, Putin Says

Russia is entering the final testing phase of its nuclear-armed intercontinental ballistic missile dubbed Satan-2, President Vladimir Putin said Thursday.

Russia announced plans in 2013 to develop the ICBM to replace a Cold War standby known in the West as “Satan,” or the RS-20B Voyevoda in Russia. Putin unveiled Satan-2 with an array of other nuclear-capable weapons at his annual speech to both chambers of parliament in March 2018.

“The final tests of the missile Sarmat are proceeding successfully,” Putin told senior officers and prosecutors, the state-run TASS news agency reported.

Satan-2, or RS-28 Sarmat, weighs over 100 metric tons and has a reported range of 10,000 kilometers. Moscow says the ICBM can get through the United States’ defense shield and is capable of destroying an area the size of Texas.

The RS-28 Sarmat is equipped with multiple hypersonic warhead MIRVs to help it evade missile defense systems.

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