
Friday, April 5, 2019

Weather security

BBC Weather: 'TWO METRES of fresh snow' to BURY Europe – 'Significant snow forecast'

BBC Weather Weather has forecast wintry weather to return for parts of Europe this week with snow, rain and sleet expected to sweep across the continent. BBC Weather forecaster, Ben Rich, warned some parts of the Alps would see “significant” snowfall, with the Swiss Alps potentially seeing up to two metres of fresh . Rich said: “We may be well into Spring now, but, there is a decidedly wintry feel across the western side of Europe over the next few days.
“You can see various stripes of cloud pushing in from the northwest. Frontal systems bringing in outbreaks of rain. Behind that this speckled cloud, indicates some wintry showers.”
He added: “Those showers are going to become quite widespread across the western side of Europe during Wednesday across the British Isles, into France, northern Spain, and notice this weather system here bringing significant snow up over the Alpes.
“Still got a scattering of thunderstorms across the south and the southeast of Turkey, one or two of those in Cyprus as well.

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