Information security
Techniques for Department of DefenseInformation Network Operations

ATP 6-02.71 is the primary doctrine publication for Department of Defense information network operations
to support the Army’s mission. ATP 6-02.71 augments the Department of Defense information network
information provided in FM 6-02. This publication establishes non-prescriptive ways to perform missions,
functions, and tasks associated with Department of Defense information network operations in Army
networks to enable and support the Army’s mission at all echelons. This publication nests with the doctrinal
principles in FM 3-12, FM 6-02, JP 3-12, JP 6-0, and complements the tactical Department of Defense
information network operations doctrine in ATP 6-02.53 and ATP 6-02.60.
The Signal Corps provides each geographic combatant commander the personnel and tools to collect,
transport, process, protect, and disseminate information within their respective theater. This facilitates
information advantage by enabling delivery of, and access to, the right information, at the right time, and in
the right format. This manual provides a general understanding of Department of Defense and Army
networks. Network operations and protection capabilities are critical to enable combat success and prevail in
the information environment.
The vision for the Department of Defense information network-Army is the employment of an end-to-end
network that provides assured global command and control and enables the Army’s readiness and ability to
fight and win in a contested and congested operating environment.
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