The Secret Ingredients of ‘Superforecasting’

But there was more to the GJP’s success than merely identifying and grouping superforecasters. Along the way, Tetlock and Mellers developed three interventions – training, teaming and tracking – that improved prediction quality for superforecasters and average folks alike. This feature of the GJP may be the most appealing for companies, as even a modest increase in the overall accuracy of a firm’s predictions could unlock tremendous value.
Training refers specifically to probabilistic reasoning tutorials, which convey tools and techniques for testing assumptions, spotting relevant patterns in past data, avoiding common errors in judgment, etc. Teaming, as you might expect, involved grouping individuals together so they could share information and challenge each other prior to making a prediction. Tracking was the practice, mentioned above, of separating the highest performers into elite squads of superforecasters.
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