
Sunday, January 25, 2015

International security/ Disputes between two branches of power

Netanyahu at cabinet meetingPrime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday defended his decision to speak before a joint Congressional session on March 3 against US President Barack Obama’s push for a negotiated deal with Tehran to halt its nuclear program.

“As Prime Minister of Israel, I am obligated to make every effort in order to prevent Iran from achieving nuclear weapons that would be aimed at the State of Israel,” he told the weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday.

“This effort is worldwide and I will go anywhere I am invited in order to enunciate the State of Israel's position and in order to defend its future and its existence,” Netanyahu said.

He plans to urge Congress to pass legislation to stiffen sanctions against Iran to force it to halt its nuclear program. 

Obama has threatened to veto any sanction legislation on Iran, as long as the possibility of a negotiated deal is on the table.

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