
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Threat of extremism/Anti-Semitism in France

A French gendarme stands guard next to tombstones desecrated by vandalsA report on anti-Semitism presented on Sunday to the government found that France was the most dangerous country for Jews in the world in 2014. During the past year, levels of anti-Semitism and violence against Jews in France reached new records, according to the report prepared by the Ministry of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs in cooperation with the Coordination Forum for Countering Antisemitsm (CFCA).   

The report was presented to the government during the same week that the world marks International Holocaust Remembrance Day.  

Anti-Semitic incidents in France rose by 100 percent in the last year, with half of the racially related incidents in the country being directed at Jews, despite the fact that Jews make up less than one percent of the French population, the report found. 

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