
Monday, December 19, 2016


Former Army Intel Officer Rejects Hack Theory: CIA's Brennan Playing 'Info Warfare'

Image: Former Army Intel Officer Rejects Hack Theory: CIA's Brennan Playing 'Info Warfare'
A retired Army intelligence officer dismissed the theory that the Russians hacked the election in favor of Donald Trump, instead putting forth his own theory — CIA Director John Brennan is playing political games.
Retired Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer told WMAL Radio on Monday that Brennan is trying to undermine the president-elect out of deference to his boss, President Barack Obama.
"This is purely political, and I believe that John Brennan is a political animal," Shaffer said. "Everything they are telling me is Brennan is doing this out of loyalty to President Obama. It's called information operations, information warfare, and that's what I believe is going on."

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