
Sunday, December 18, 2016

Nuclear security

Nuclear terrorism: IAEA’s concerns

Nuclear terrorism: IAEA’s concernsContemporary situation grants that dealing with nuclear terrorism is a cumbersome task and viewed as a challenging threat to world peace. That is why the issue of nuclear terrorism has received special attention of the international community during the International Conference of IAEA on Nuclear Security: Commitment and Actions. During the conference, IAEA chief Yukiya Amano stated that: “Terrorists and criminals will try to exploit any vulnerability in the global nuclear security system. Any country, in any part of the world, could find itself used as a transit point. And any country could become the target of an attack.” This statement illustrates the global concerns regarding nuclear security and threats. However, to counter the nuclear threat, it is significant to remember that nuclear threats and challenges are continuously evolving. And it is imperative to identify the sources and instruments of the issue to classify the measures to eliminate the chances of nuclear terrorism, trafficking of nuclear materials and to ensure the protection of nuclear-related facilities and materials.

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