
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Dutch elections

'KILLER BLOW’ How a Geert Wilders victory in Dutch elections could cause the EU to IMPLODE

Geert Wilders
Mr Wilders would be likely to take the country out of the bloc, Marine Le Pen the Front National leader would be likely to follow suit, leaving Germany faced with the prospect of funding the cash hole. 
The PVV leader has been placed first in the polls with 31 per cent of the vote, a month before the Dutch elections. 
If Mr Wilders does pull off a shock win, it could pave the way for the far right leader, to come to victory in France in May.
This would leave Angela Merkel’s country as the only substantial economy left standing in the crumbling bloc, leaving the Chancellor to fund the giant £35billion-a-year cash hole of three countries with stable economies leaving the .

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