
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Poll results

This poll shows why Marine Le Pen stands a very good chance of winning the French election

Far-right leader presidential candidate Marine Le Pen gestures as she speaks during a conference in Lyon, France, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2017. Britain's decision to leave the European Union and the election of U.S. President Donald Trump have given the French a
new poll, released today by newspaper Le Figaro, shows that French people's outlook on globalisation is one of the most pessimistic in the world.
Pollsters questioned over 16,000 people from 22 countries in October and November 2016 — before Donald Trump's US election triumph — about their concerns, their country and globalisation. "The French are more pessimistic than the average and much more suspicious of their elites," Yves Bardon, from polling company Ipsos, told the Figaro.
Some 33% of French people think that opening their country's economy to foreign companies and the international market is a threat. In the US, where Donald Trump, whose protectionism and "America first" policy are largely thought to have helped him win the election, 29% of the population saw a similar threat from globalisation.

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