
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

French elections

Far-Right Hopeful: French Election 'Choice of Civilization'

French far-right candidate Marine Le Pen blasted the "two totalitarianisms" of globalization and Islamic fundamentalism Sunday in a speech formally launching her presidential campaign that hit all the right chords for her National Front party followers.
Looking to translate her high early poll numbers into votes, Le Pen evoked a frightening image of France's future during her much-anticipated speech. The country, enslaved to the European Union and unrecognizable as French, risks losing its identity if the political status quo endures, she said.
"We are at a crossroad .... This election is a choice of civilization," she said, asking whether her three children and other young citizens would have the rights and cultural signposts of the current generation. "Will they even speak our French language?"

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