
Friday, February 10, 2017

Immigration security

Trump, in strategy shift, considers new executive order on travel ban

President Trump said Friday he's considering a new executive order on refugees as soon as Monday or Tuesday, even as his administration mulls an appeal of a court decision suspending his previous order barring travelers from seven majority Muslim countries.

"We will win that battle," Trump said of the court battle. "We also have a lot of other options, including just filing a brand new order."

The shifting White House strategy marked the beginning of a third weekend of chaotic developments on the travel ban, which has stranded air travelers and led to nationwide protests and legal challenges.

After a three-judge panel refused to reinstate the travel ban on Thursday, the next stop would ordinarily be the Supreme Court. But a potential roadblock emerged late Thursday, when a judge on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco asked for the case to be heard by the full court of appeals, setting a deadline of next Thursday for arguments on that question.

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