
Sunday, March 11, 2018


Time to Restructure the Intelligence Community?

Brennan feared Flynn would recommend the dissolution of the CIA's Directorate of Operations [DO] as it had morphed into a covert, rogue "nation changing" tool of the New World Order [i.e., A Global Government], and had downgraded and essentially eliminated its Clandestine Service [NCS].   

The reformulated NCS became a rudderless, unsupervised covert operation, often using MilitarySpecOps units to carry out CIA missions which were unsanctioned [e.g.Benghazi], leaving many of our soldiers dead in foreign countries; the standard excuse used for these deaths was that they had committed suicide.

DIA's Clandestine Service [DCS] had displaced CIA's Clandestine Service and recruited and deployed officers with superior educations, training, Military background, and sophistication -- while CIA's case officers and Station Chiefs left a great deal, including integrity, to be desired [evidenced by Benghazi].  Brennan, an analyst, was assigned as a Station Chief as a checkmark to becoming Director of the CIA.  He was regarded by field agents as a bumbling idiot, matching his reputation as a an analyst -- but, he served Bush and Obama well as their puppet.

 Clapper is/has been regarded as a sleaze, as we've noted in the past regarding his role as US Pacific Command J2where he blocked our efforts at identification and recovery of US POWs still held in Vietnam during the 1980s; he nearly destroyed DIA's analysis capability as he reorganized the independent analysis divisions, abused his position as DNI Director and weaponized the DNI into a political tool, using NSA and other IC resources to undermine Flynn and Trump, and Conservative politicians using blackmail and threats against families to achieve their goals. Congress demanded his resignation based on his blatant perjury during his testimony before Congressional Committees [he did not resign until the end of the Obama Administration...  

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