
Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Trump’s pick for CIA tied to torture lawsuit involving Spokane psychologists

President Donald Trump’s pick to head the CIA was at the center of a legal dispute regarding her role in a high-profile torture case involving a pair of Spokane psychologists.

Attorneys wanted to question Gina Haspel and another CIA official, James Cotsana, about whether they supervised the interrogation of three terrorism suspects using a program developed by James E. Mitchell and Bruce Jessen of Spokane.
According to the lawsuit that unfolded in Spokane, Suleiman Abdullah Salim, Mohamed Ahmed Ben Soud and the late Gul Rahman suffered waterboarding, beatings and sleep deprivation while inside CIA “black sites.” In the case, attorneys sought access to interview Haspel about her role.
After surviving the interrogations, both Salim and Ben Soud were later released after officials determined that they posed no threat to the United States.
The government settled the lawsuit filed by the ACLU last August just a couple weeks before it was set to go to trial in Spokane. The suit followed and relied heavily upon documents from a U.S. Senate investigation in 2014 found that Mitchell and Jessen’s techniques produced no actionable intelligence in the war on terror.

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