
Monday, July 16, 2018

Criminal investigation

Judy Wood by Robert Steele: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Twin Towers Were Vaporized by Directed Energy Weapons

The twin towers appear to have been destroyed by directed energy weapons. This is one of two possible explanations for the “vaporization” of most of the two towers which did not leave the standard 12% in building debris height as was the case with WTC 7, which was very obviously a simple controlled demolition. I tend to agree with the author of the book Where Did the Towers Go? Dr. Judy Wood, and I tend to discount – but not completely exclude in the absence of an independent investigation – the nuclear explanation.
Dr. Wood is a former professor of mechanical engineering with research interests in experimental stress analysis, structural mechanics, optical methods, deformation analysis, and the materials characterization of biomaterials and composite materials; she lost her job over this book, and she may fear for her life, as she has gone silent on the matter.  In her honor, I have prepared this memorandum because this possibility must be considered by a new investigation.

1 comment:

  1. Directed energy weapon? Well, maybe, maybe not, the evidence does not speak for itself because it's just too complicated and we need someone else to tell us what to believe? There's no such thing as a former spy Mr. Steele, they just go into private practice.

    "Dr. Judy Wood, and I tend to discount – but not completely exclude in the absence of an independent investigation – the nuclear explanation." Is a false statement intended to confuse the reader and buttress the coverup. Not only does Dr. Wood NOT SAY THAT, she actually RULES THAT OUT. The mechanism of nuclear destruction would be from heat and produce a bright and blinding light as well as a shock wave. Why call for another investigation? Dr. Wood has already published one.

    Trump and Putin don't need Mr. Steele's assistance. They can buy a copy of WHERE DID THE TOWERS GO? from Amazon just like everyone else can

