Odds Favored The Grafters, Until Now

Experienced politicians learn at a still-productive age that complications of partisan politics and international relations sharply increase the odds that crimes of self-enrichment will never be discovered or punished.
Meet The Bidens
Meet Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. Joe was U. S. Senator from Maryland long enough to be put on the national ticket as Vice President, and he served eight years in that high office while Barack H. Obama held the presidency. Being VP provided what was easily recognized as a target-rich environment for eliciting “emoluments” capable of enriching Joe’s personal financial condition.
Say, for example, that Joe noticed a country on the other side of the world, Ukraine, had experienced a bloody coup which overthrew its elected government. Joe would know the coup was sponsored (secretly, but in-your-face) by the U. S. State Department, and that the new government (though some described it as “Nazi”) was “friendly” and beholden to the U. S. government. In short, Joe might easily identify Ukraine as a likely prospect in that target-rich environment mentioned earlier.
Assessing The Risks
If Joe were to decide to ply such an opportunity, say for self-enrichment, what would be his chances of getting away with it? While still in office, his chances would be practically a 100% sure-thing, because no one in that administration would call Joe out for measly (some say $50,000/mo, some say $166,000/mo) payments to his son from an energy company in Ukraine. Same answer if his own party’s candidate were to win the next presidency, which appeared to be a “lock” as late as November 6, 2016...
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