
Friday, February 12, 2016

Arms trade

Russia proposes to Iran to organize licensed production of Russian T-90S tanks

T-90S tankRussia’s Uralvagonzavod company is ready to organize in Iran licensed production of the T-90S gun launcher-armed tanks if restrictions on military-technical cooperation with that country are lifted, the corporation’s deputy director general Alexey Zharich said on Wednesday.
Russia’s main battle gun launcher-armed tank T-90S is equipped with an automated fire control system. It is a light tank (46.5 tons) with a low profile, which increases its survivability.
"Cooperation with Iran was suspended in accordance with the presidential decree "On measures to implement UN Security Council Resolution 1020 of June 9, 2010". But if restrictions on military-technical cooperation with Iran are lifted, the corporation together with Rosoboronexport (arms exporting company) is ready to continue cooperation, in particular, on the licensed production of the T-90S tanks, modernization of the T-72S tanks and their production capacities," Zharich said.

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