
Sunday, February 7, 2016


Antiviral drug may protect against all flu strains, study suggests

Designed anti-influenza protein HB36.6 (magenta) bound to the hemagglutinin from the H1N1 2009 pandemic virus. (image courtesy: University of Washington)Researchers at the University of Washington have created an antiviral drug that protects against a range of influenza strains and is more effective than Tamiflu in animal models. The active molecule may also protect those most vulnerable to illness, the immunocompromised.
“It really is important for an antiviral such as this one to be able to neutralize a broad range of infectious strains so if we have an unpredicted pandemic or seasonal strain circulation, it can still afford significant protection,” study author Deborah Fuller, an associate professor in the department of microbiology at the University of Washington in Seattle, told FoxNews.com.

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