
Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Genetically Modified Mosquitos and the Zika Virus. The Pentagon’s Synthetic Biology

ZIKA-CLOSE-UPThe is no established link between Intrexon’s release of genetically modified mosquitoes and Zika or the birth defects attributed to Zika that are ravaging the families and children of northeast Brazil. But there is a link, however, between Intrexon’s timely purchase of Oxitec in August 2015 for $160 million, and the windfall that Intrexon expects to gain from its genetically modified killer mosquitoes. Already, Wall Streetinvestors, business publications and media outlets are praising the use of GMO’s like those of Intrexon’s to wipe out malaria, dengue and other diseases even though there remains much scientific uncertaintyover the long term effects of inserting GMO’s into the ecosystems into which human animals are embedded.

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