
Thursday, February 4, 2016


SPECIAL - Read And Do: The Limitations Of Terrorism Research

According to proceedings of the April, 1986 Aberdeen University Academic Conference, “The fact that terrorism is a fashionable concern of governments and the media does not mean that it has attracted comparable attention and effort in academia. We found that terrorism studies are very small scale, and even peripheral, at most universities and research institutes.”

Since 9/11, more has been written about terrorism than any other law enforcement, military and national security issue. Terrorism studies have taken central stage at educational institutions throughout the world.

Counterterrorism and/or antiterrorism training have been introduced to a wide population of operational personnel from warfighters to wastewater management professionals. The private sector places a high premium on those with counterterrorism experience Alumni of the FBI and US Secret Service are found leading the corporate security departments of major corporations.

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