
Thursday, February 4, 2016


Office N99 shows growing power of unmanned vehicles

UUV training ops
The Unmanned Warfare Systems Directorate will use a “lean and innovative” rapid development cycle, working alongside both the deputy assistant secretary for unmanned systems and the deputy assistant secretary for research, development, test and evaluation to keep abreast of the latest technologies and how well they fit Navy requirements. The directorate will “rapidly prototype and demonstrate the highest priority ‘matches’ to verify technical capability and military utility before going into acquisition,” Myers said.

In terms of budgeting, the Unmanned Warfare Systems Directorate will be targeting breakthrough technologies. The directorate will transfer programs to support fiscal 2016 budget execution and planning for fiscal 2017, with future allocations slated for fiscal 2018. “A new funding line was developed to facilitate development, prototyping and demonstration to advance our war fighting capabilities,” Myers said.

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