
Saturday, February 6, 2016

EMP threat

EMP Could Toast Electrical Grid (And How To Protect Against It)

Canada and the United States are vulnerable to cataclysmic threat that could “topple the pillar of civilization,” according to Dr Peter Pry, head of the EMP Task Force on National Homeland Security, an advisory board for the US Congress.
Dr Pry talked about the dangers of potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks in a recent trip to Toronto, and of the importance of protecting infrastructure against this possibility. The effects of such an attack could be devastating, utterly decimating affected populations. A well-planned and well-executed attack would pose a “mortal threat to the West,” according to Pry.
Dr Pry has been a studying the dangers of EMP for decades, starting with his doctorate in strategic studies. He became a leading expert in the field after working as an analyst for the CIA, where he was the central figure charged with the issue.

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