
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Innovations & technologies

New Microchip Could Increase Military Intelligence Powers Exponentially

An artistic representation of a neural network.A new microchip could change life on the battlefield for U.S.troops by bringing the massive data crunching power of multi-computer neural networks — a dream of the 1970s and 80s — into handheld devices. The chip, announced by a team of researchers from MIT and funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, or DARPA, could enable a smartphone-sized device to perform deep-learning functions.What can the military do with deep learning? Effectively executing complex operations in places like Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan is no longer just a matter of guts and glory. It’s also dependent on accessing and processing information in real time. The military has an abundance of data but always claims a shortage of useful intelligence. Consider that in 2011, during the height of the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars, the U.S. Air Force was processing 1,500 hours of full-motion video and 1,500 still images taken from aerial drones every day.

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