
Friday, February 12, 2016

Middle East

American Anxiety over Middle East Buffets Public Support for US Presence in the Region

<a href="http://www.thechicagocouncil.org/sites/default/files/secinterests_us.jpg" target="_blank">View larger</a>In the last year, conflict in the Middle East has exploded, presenting vexing challenges for the United States. The Islamic State (ISIS) now occupies large portions of Iraq and Syria and has committed unimaginable brutalities. Consequently, after several years of reducing the US military presence in the region, the Obama administration has ramped up military operations with sustained airstrikes against ISIS as part of Operation Inherent Resolve. Meanwhile, the Syrian civil war between the Assad regime and various rebel factions continues to grind on, producing an international refugee crisis and threatening to destabilize neighboring countries including Jordan and Turkey. And just over the past month, violence between Israelis and Palestinians has broken out once again with Palestinian knife attacks against Israeli soldiers, police, and civilians. 

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