
Friday, February 12, 2016


Donald Trump is Using Hypnosis to Win Over GOP

Donald Trump is Using Hypnosis to Win Over GOP Clapway
Donald Trump is even getting support from religious groups, which was his main weakness in the past. Sarah Palin endorsed his campaign recently, calling him the man that will make America great again.
How exactly is this happening? Firstly, he’s not a politician. People seem to like him for having a business background, and that makes him more honest than most. He’s also a billionaire, which tells people he knows how to handle money. Not only that, but it also says that Trump is really good at selling things – himself mostly. He’s a political athlete of sorts, and he’s selling himself really well to voters. Much like hypnosis, he uses sales strategies to make himself look like the most attractive candidate, and he is succeeding.

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