
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Privacy security

EU and US agree scheme to replace Safe Harbor: EU - US Privacy Shield

On 2 February 2016, the European Commission announced that it had reached a high level agreement on a series of measures with the United States to resolve the issues identified in the CJEU's ruling. These are as follows: 
  • The Safe Harbor scheme will be replaced by a scheme called "EU - US Privacy Shield" which will be administered by the US Department of Commerce. European and United States representatives will confirm the process and timing for the transition from the Safe Harbor to the EU – US Privacy Shield scheme in due course.
  • ...The US Director of National Intelligence will provide a binding, written assurance to the European Union that access to personal data about European citizens for national security and law enforcement purposes will only occur to the extent it is necessary and proportionate, that it will be subject to clear limitations, safeguards and oversight mechanisms and that no indiscriminate or mass surveillance on personal data transferred to the US under the new scheme will occur.

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