
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Research results

Poll: Terrorism fading as most important issue for voters

In the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, terrorism was most important issue to many voters in our December NBC News|SurveyMonkey election polling. Given the importance of economic issues to voters, and with the primary season in full swing, we revisited whether terrorism is still the most important issue to most voters, or whether the importance of the economy has rebounded. The answer depends upon voters' partisanship.
Results from the most recent NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll conducted online from February 1 to February 7 suggest that the importance of terrorism has fallen considerably. Nearly a third -- 32 percent -- of voters now state that jobs and the economy is the issue most important to them, compared to the 15 percent who say terrorism.

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