
Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Seismic security

Obama Orders More Earthquake Resilience for Gov't Buildings

earthquakePresident Barack Obama has ordered all new or renovated federal buildings to be equipped with the latest protections against earthquakes.
Obama signed an executive order on Tuesday creating a Federal Earthquake Risk Management Standard. The White House says the standard will improve federal buildings' resilience to earthquakes, making them safer and lowering the costs for recovering from a quake.
Obama's order said that agencies constructing or updating federal buildings must ensure they're built with earthquake-resistant designs that meet the latest building codes. The White House said that following those codes is one of the best ways to save the lives of people living in a building.
The White House is also seeking to make more progress in deploying an early earthquake warning system along the West Coast. Federal agencies are exploring ways to speed up the permitting process for new seismic monitoring stations.

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