
Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Terror threat

Terror Threat Snapshot: 6 Terror-Related Arrests in 5 States so far in 2016

Terror Threat Snapshot: 6 Terror-Related Arrests in 5 States so far in 2016The House Homeland Security Committee (HSC) Chairman Michael McCaul has released the February Terror Threat Snapshot. As usual, the monthly publication that assesses the increasing threat to America from ISIS is alarming. The snapshot reports that six terror-related arrests in five different states have already occurred in 2016.
“The Islamist terror threat remains alarmingly high as recent arrests and terror plots demonstrate. ISIS recruits wage war in our communities, while thousands of deadly fighters trained in Syria stream back into the West – some of them infiltrating massive refugee flows,” stated Chairman McCaul. “ISIS continues its global expansion on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the still-dangerous al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula seizes greater territory in Yemen.”

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