
Wednesday, February 3, 2016


These Are the New Weapons the Pentagon Chief Wants for Tomorrow’s Wars

An Airman assembles fins on a GBU-12 Paveway II mounted on an F-16C Fighting Falcon on Jan. 9 at Atlantic City Air National Guard Base, N.J.Smarter smart bombs, mini railguns, and swarming robot boats to watch man-made islands are a few of the key technology areas that Defense Secretary Ashton Carter sees as vital to U.S. military superiority in the next decade. In a preview of the Pentagon’s upcoming 2017 budget request, Carter said military research and development spending would rise to $71.4 billion from last year’s $71.3 billion request.) Carter also listed areas where the Defense Department was already seeing “returns” on R&D spending through the Strategic Capabilities Office, or SCO.

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