
Sunday, June 19, 2016


N. Korea leader orders crackdown on those leaking intelligence to S. Korea

Картинки по запросу Kim Jong-unNorth Korean leader Kim Jong-un has ordered his public security staff to hunt down and punish those who leak the reclusive state's internal information to South Korea, multiple sources said Sunday.

In a directive sent to the security agencies and the people, Kim warned that those who leak any information to South Koreans will be labeled as "spies" and face harsh punishments, including execution by firing squad.

"I understand that (Kim) has sent a directive to the security agencies and the people, which says he will sternly deal with rebellious impure elements that hand over our internal intelligence to enemies," a source said, declining to be named.

The directive also urges North Koreans who have attempted to make phone calls with those in China and South Korea to turn themselves in to the security authorities, and offers rewards to those who report any intelligence leaks to the authorities, according to the sources.

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