
Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Criminal investigation

Orlando Terrorist Worked for DHS Security Firm Exposed in Illegal Alien Catch & Release Scandal

Orlando Terrorist Worked for DHS Security Firm Exposed in Illegal Alien Catch & Release ScandalMateen’s employment with G4S is especially troubling, particularly in light of the recent exposure of the company’s involvement in the Department of Homeland Security’s catch-and-release program for third-country “OTM” (Other Than Mexican) illegal aliens captured crossing our southern border. As Raven Clabough reported  for The New American on June 6, an investigation by Judicial Watch exposed the Obama administration and DHS violating our immigration laws by transporting illegal aliens from the Mexican border and releasing them in Phoenix without even processing their paperwork, keeping track of their locations, or requiring them to make a court appearance. G4S, the London-based global conglomerate, was hired by DHS to transport these OTMs — some of whom may be terrorists — from the border to their designated release points.

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