
Friday, June 17, 2016

Criminal investigation

Robert Steele: Two Planned Attacks, Five Trained Together, They Claim by CIA, FBI May Be Repressing Evidence

Robert David SteeleFirst off, a tip of the hat to Danny F. Quest, WeAreChange.org, and the two Santa Monica police officers that refused an FBI gag order and blew the whistle on the anomalies that the FBI now appears to be actively covering up.
Here is what stands out to me from the above story now online:
01 Five people were recruited and trained together after being spotted completing an online course together.
02 They were all told they would get away after completing their mission — none of them was suicidal.
03 The live individual thinks he was trained by the CIA but there is no evidence this was actually the case.
Now for some nuances.
01 The FBI’s Miami office is among the most active counterterrorism units and known for crossing the line — for example, targeting James Medina, a homeless mass with mental problems.
02 The FBI is know to have a massive  program for nurturing terrorists right up to the point they are about to commit a terrorist act with funding, guidance, and even weapons provided by the FBI (they are also coached into putting incriminating posts to the Internet and making incriminating open visits, such as the Boston Bombing patsy going to firecracker stores to buy firecrackers in quantity).

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