
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Flights security

These Hollow-Point Bullets May Be Safe to Shoot on a Plane

Bullets after penetration of the gel block in increasing velocities – upper line shows the experimental results and the bottom line the simulation results
Researchers of a new project commissioned and fully financed by the Czech Interior Ministry at the the University of Defense in the Czech Republic claim they have developed a fool-proof, 100-percent safe bullet for air marshals to use on planes.

Hollow-point bullets are used by U.S. police all the time, but these bullets travel faster than competing hollow-point bullets on the market today, and they’re guaranteed to not penetrate the thin walls of an airplane cabin, nor pass through a human body.

“By developing this 9mm ammunition, we’ve reached its technical and ballistic limits,” Lt. Col. Ludek Jedlicka from the Department of Weapons and Ammunition at the Faculty of Military Technology, told the Associated Press.

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