
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Intel oversight

New spy watchdog will have power to examine ‘any activity, any operation’: Goodale

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale: “They are going to have the ability to look at any issue, any activity, any operation, any document in the government of Canada that relates to security and intelligence matters.”
Sweeping powers to scrutinize “any issue, any activity, any operation” will be granted to a new committee of parliamentarians to watch over federal spying and other clandestine security and intelligence activities, the government has announced.
The long-promised Bill C-22, tabled in the Commons Thursday, proposes creation of an unprecedented “national security and intelligence committee of parliamentarians” to hold to greater account the nation’s two chief spy services and at least 15 other departments and agencies with national security responsibilities.
The move fulfils a major Liberal election promise to increase parliamentary scrutiny of national security operations to offset the expansive and controversial counterterrorism powers under the Anti-terrorism Act of 2015, formerly Bill C-51, to investigate, detain, arrest, silence or otherwise thwart individuals suspected as threats to the security of Canada.

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