
Monday, June 20, 2016

Lone wolf

CIA Chief John Brennan-“No evidence of Omar Mateen’s connection with ISIS”

“Our agency did not find any evidence of connection between Omar Mateen and the militant Islamic State (IS) group”, CIA chief John Brennan told the Senate intelligence committee.
49 people were killed in a gay nightclub in Orlando on Sunday, the killer Mateen stated allegiance to the militant group minutes before the attack.
Mr Brennan told the lawmakers that four days of investigation by the CIA and other US intelligence agencies concluded that Mateen was a “lone wolf.”
The FBI also has determined that Mateen was not directed by or in contact with IS before the Orlando attack. In Facebook posts from inside the club and a 911 call during the attack, Mateen reportedly declared his allegiance to the group. But investigators are now focusing more on his apparently complicated relationship with his sexuality.

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