
Monday, June 20, 2016

National security

Top Senate Dem: Orlando Is a National Security Issue, Not a Gun Control Issue

Top Senate Dem: Orlando Is a National Security Issue, Not a Gun Control Issue
In discussing the NRA’s argument against the Democrats’ newly proposed legislation, which seeks to keep guns out of the hands of suspected terrorists, Sen. Dianne Feinstein said on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday thatit’s not about gun control.

“I do not believe Mr. Lapierre is correct on this, but let me say this, John, this is really a national security issue. It isn’t a gun control issue,” she said. “The FBI has about a thousand ongoing investigations. [CIA Director] John Brennan told the intelligence committee on Thursday in open hearing that ISIL is actively pursuing operations to commit attacks in the west and bring people in to western countries, whether it’s through immigration, whether its over the border or any other way.

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