
Saturday, June 18, 2016

Nuclear security

Your Radiation This Week No 60

Navajo Council Supports Bears Ears
Te-132 – Something Nuclear Blew up
Zero word on the release of Tellurium-132 since April 26, 2016. The Te-132 release in North Western Europe occurred more than a month ago. More than 95% of the April 26 release has decayed by now. Te-132 is a very visible marker only seen in quantity in exploding atomic weapons; or, from operating nuclear reactors that break and spew out their radioactive guts.
The Te-132 detection is simply that: a nuke detonation; or, an operating reactor had a really bad day and broke – puking its radioactive gases and aerosols out into the air. One or the other or both occurred. The secrecy surrounding it is a tell-tale sign the nuclear states took Japan’s lead in ducking under a cloak of evil secrecy. EU officials have had no comment; however; we know what they did.
This is another of those troubling occurrences that does not fit the official narrative, so, it is censored. I suspect that someone higher up the food chain told them to Shut Up or get Fired. Take your choice, morons on TV, you might have to get a real job. However, like many things, you can still see it on the Net.

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