
Friday, June 17, 2016

Power grid security

Watts Bar Unit 2 shuts down shortly after starting power generation

Two days after power production began for the first time at TVA's newest reactor at the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant, the new reactor shut down Sunday.
TVA officials said Tuesday they hope to restart the Unit 2 reactor at Watts Bar later this week and insist power fluctuations are typical of starting a new nuclear unit — especially one that has been under construction or deferred for more than four decades.
The Unit 2 reactor automatically tripped at 12:27 p.m. Sunday when problems developed in the plant's turbine system on the nonnuclear part of the plant. At the time, the reactor was at about 12.5 percent of its maximum power.
"All equipment operated as designed and licensed reactor operators responded according to their training," TVA spokesman Scott Brooks said. "Station personnel are troubleshooting the main turbine control system and after the issue is resolved, power ascension testing will resume and the unit will be returned to service."

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