
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Seismic security

The Big One: 'Large scale motion' detected along San Andreas fault

Large scale motion has been detected along the San Andreas Fault line, thanks to new analysis of existing data that could help predict ‘The Big One’ in the future.
Previously uninterpreted data showing vertical movement of the fault’s crust detected several millimeters of uplift and subsidence in surface areas as large as 125 miles.
While these hotspots were predicted in models before, this is the first time scientists were able to block out white noise and other diluting factors such as precipitation and local surface geology.
...The San Andreas Fault is the tectonic boundary between the Pacific and North American Plates and runs close to major cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco as well as nuclear power plants
‘The Big One’ is expected to produce a game-changing earthquake within the next 30 years causing massive devastation to California.

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