
Saturday, February 6, 2016


Record Number Of Terrorism Suspects Arrested In UK

According to the UK Home Office, a record number of terrorism suspects – 315 in total – were arrested in the past year in the country. Sharp increases in arrests of women and minors were noted. These figures reflect the concerted effort security services put on preventing terrorist attacks and travel of Britons to and from Syria to join ISIS.
The number of women arrested for terrorism or related offences more than doubled, from 21 to 50, in the year ending in September. A record number of juvenile suspects, 15, was detained as well.
The rise in numbers of arrests related to terrorist activity marks the determined effort to address the issues of extremism in the UK, according to the Daily Mail. Security Minister John Hayes was quoted as saying: “We are determined to detect, disrupt and where possible prosecute all terrorist threats to the UK.”

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