
Friday, June 17, 2016

Follow the money

Saudi Arabia upset after Hillary Clinton links oil kingdom to terrorism

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question during a panel discussion on national security.Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have piled on outrage after Hillary Clinton condemned the weekend slaughter in Orlando and directly linked the oil-rich monarchies to the funding of terrorism.
In separate letters to Fairfax Media, the embassies for both countries in Canberra took exception to reporting of Mrs Clinton's call to "stop supporting radical schools and mosques around the world".
"Accusations levelled against the Kingdom of being lax or of supporting extremism fails to recognise the Kingdom's leadership role in combating terrorism," the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia wrote.
Kuwait's embassy said it "wishes to convey its disapproval of the criticism and allegations stated by the presumptive candidate Ms. Hillary Clinton".
The diplomatic stoush follows the rampage that killed 49 in a gay nightclub and a call by gunman Omar Mateen to emergency services where he pledged allegiance to Islamic State.

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