
Friday, June 17, 2016

Poll results

Study: Large number of Turks in Germany put Islam above the law

Deutschland MuslimeThe authors of the study were pleased with some of their results: 90 percent of the people of Turkish origin surveyed said they feel comfortable in Germany. Eighty-seven percent said that they feel closely or very closely connected to Germany. That's 2 percent more than the number who said they felt a close connection to Turkey.
"We didn't expect that," said Detlef Pollack, spokesman for the Excellence Cluster "Religion and Politics" at the University of Münster. The university commissioned an opinion research institute to survey 1,200 Turkish immigrants and their children for the study.
The representative survey, titled " Integration and religion from the perspective of people of Turkish origin," includes more surprises. In some respects, most of the people surveyed had a more positive view of the situation in Germany than many Germans themselves.

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