
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Poll results

National security seen as No. 1 issue among GOP voters, but not among Dems

Republican voters are more than twice as likely as Democrats to consider national security their top issue as they determine which White House hopeful and congressional candidates to vote for in November, a new poll shows.

According to a Morning Consult poll released Monday, the percentage of Americans who place national security at the top of their candidate checklist has risen 10 percentage points to 29 percent in the aftermath of the terror attack in Orlando, Fla. A poll taken shortly after the mass shooting in San Bernardino, Calif., last November reflected a similar spike.

The percentage of self-identified Republicans (42 percent) who listed national security as their top concern was more than double that of Democratic respondents (20 percent) in the same poll. Democratic voters were far more concerned about the economy, with 32 percent saying "economic issues" are their top priority when deciding who gets their vote.

Forty-one percent of voters who intend to support Donald Trump identified security issues as their biggest concern this election cycle, compared to 20 percent who intend to vote for Hillary Clinton.

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